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Deux épaules nues côte à côte ayant un teint de peau diffèrent

Our simple skin care routines for SURE & REAL results

Educate your skin. Clayton Shagal method and approach is based on superior high-quality products providing an in-depth actionharmonized with skin’s natural mechanism. It represents the simple anti-aging solution that effortlessly provides visible and immediate results.

Perfect Beauty and Body Care

June 2024 Special Offer

Continuous hydration

This summer, receive our free Clayton Shagal Water Bottle with integrated Bluetooth Speakers with the purchase of one of our classic home regimen or any purchase of $350 or more.

Anti-aging regimen

Large format version of our Lift Perfect Discovery Kit.

Sensitive skin regimen

Large format version of our Sensi Lift Discovery Kit.

Reviving regimen for young skins

Large format version of our Essential Discovery Kit.

Regimen for oily skin

Large format version of our Skin Balance Discovery Kit.

Clayton Shagal Professional Care


    Facial care

    A variety of high-performance skin care products for all circumstances that will make you admire your regenerated skin and radiant complexion.

    Learn more

    Body care

    Precise care which, combined with the usual care of your skin specialist, allows you to obtain immediate results.

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    Specific care

    Treatments that allow you to tackle specific problems and obtain immediate results.

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Discovery kits

Thanks to our travel-size kits, explore the most sought-after combinations of our products and effortlessly adopt the routine that suits your skin.

Discover the kits

Our ambition: explore with you the Art to enhance your natural beauty

La Maison Clayton Shagal

40 years of experience and development that have made a small family business a name that shines internationally.

Discover us