LA MAISON CLAYTON SHAGAL does not accept returns or exchange of open, unsealed or used merchandise, unless you have had an allergic reaction, if applicable please read the section Allergic reaction below.

Products purchased on the website may not be returned, refunded, exchanged or credited, from a store or any other point of sale.

If the purchase of the product you wish to return has not been made on but from a point of sale of one of our authorized partners, please return, if applicable, the product to this point of sale.

Please note that before making a refund or a credit, LA MAISON CLAYTON SHAGAL's Customer service will ensure that the stated conditions and procedures are met: THE REFUND OR CREDIT OF A PRODUCT MAY NOT BE ISSUED IF THE SHIPPING PROCEDURE OF THE ITEM OR THE RETURN POLICIES HAVE NOT BEEN FULLY RESPECTED. Please carefully read the appropriate Terms and conditions section for the application of your demand.

Damaged product

When receiving your package, please inspect the products inside the package for any damage, except for normal wear, that may have occurred during transit. If the product appears to have been damaged during transit, we will make a credit (no exchange or refund), as long as the terms and conditions for returns described below are met.

Only one return shipment is allowed per order. Please check your entire order before sending us a return.

Terms and conditions

It is noted that product return can only be accepted if the following conditions are met:

  • The product (s) are returned in their original packaging, unopened and sealed.
  • The customer contacted LA MAISON CLAYTON SHAGAL Customer service by email to : within SEPT (7) days of delivery of the package to make an express request for return.
  • The customer returns the product within 30 days of delivery, with a copy of the invoice and following LA MAISON CLAYTON SHAGAL’s Customer service indications regarding the carrier company for the return, and by affixing to the package the documents that the Customer service department will send to the client by email.
  • All returns must be made at one of the carrier's points of service chosen by LA MAISON CLAYTON SHAGAL and shipped to:

Delivery - Return Department
105-14056, Bvl Curé-Labelle
Mirabel, Que., J7J 1L6

A credit will be issued within 30 days upon reception of the products by LA MAISON CLAYTON SHAGAL. You will receive an email confirming the issuance of the credit.

Allergic reaction

It is important to check before purchasing a product if it is suitable for your skin type. We invite you to consult the description of each product to find out their characteristics and the section Main allergen Guide and Notice to consumers in order to obtain information on certain ingredients and restrictions of use. If you have concerns about the safety of certain ingredients, please ask your doctor or contact our Customer service for additional information.

In the event of an allergic reaction, we will make a refund or credit, as long as the Terms and conditions for return procedure described below are respected.

Only one return shipment will be authorized by order and LA MAISON CLAYTON SHAGAL reserves the right to request a letter from a doctor, or pictures of the allergic reaction to confirm that it was caused by one of our products.

Terms and conditions

It is noted that product return can only be accepted if the following conditions are met:

  • The products are returned in their original packaging.
  • The customer has to contact LA MAISON CLAYTON SHAGAL’s Customer service by email within forty-eight (48) hours of use of the product to report the allergic reaction.
  • The customer returns the product within 30 days of delivery, with a copy of the invoice and following LA MAISON CLAYTON SHAGAL’s Customer service indications regarding the carrier to be used for the return, and by affixing to the package the documents that Customer service will have sent by email.
  • • All returns must be made at one of the carrier's points of service chosen by LA MAISON CLAYTON SHAGAL and shipped to:

Delivery - Return Department
105-14056, Bvl Curé-Labelle
Mirabel, Que., J7J 1L6


The refund on the credit card or the issuance of a credit will be made within 30 days upon reception of the products by LA MAISON CLAYTON SHAGAL. You will receive a confirmation email.

Delivery costs will not be refunded or credited. We reserve the right to deduct the delivery costs of returned items that were previously eligible for free shipping.

For any questions regarding the return of merchandises, please contact Customer service by email. Our Customer service is available Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (ET). It will be our pleasure to assist you.